TRC U Contour inset Bubinga & Maple Lam

$ 75.00

Here is our contour Deluxe Inset Truss Rod Cover with a curly Bubinga center  and curly Maple outside. It is laminated with a black fiber on the back for strength and stability. It has a light coat of finish on it to bring out the color and keep it that way. The screw holes are chamfered for oval head screws. A set of phillips, brass plated, steel screws are included to complete that elegant look that only that type of screw gives.  We call this a "Universal" Truss Rod Cover in that it will look nice an any instrument, but it does not imply that the screw holes will line up with anything except Petros guitars! If you are not afraid to drill new holes or if you are building your own instrument, these will be a great enhancement.